Monday, March 28, 2016

love is in the air

        Love is in the air, these words spoken perhaps in innocence, and possibly to let me know, oh the possibilities,limitless, with the exception of the barriers raised in my mind, the inability to, or doubt that they were intended in a manner for which, being only mortal, human, dreamer and fantasizer, I, have to admit , in that second,hit the slipstream where dreams come true, reality fades and the stars are stepping stones for my dance. With all the things going on in my life where others would find,negativity, like a bird of prey, I scour for the slightest movement, of optimism, striking it with  a quickness,lifting it aloft to partake of this morsel, thus ensuring my ability to rise above the petty woes of my world, raptured by the sweet taste of life's joys.
        Do I go to fast, or shall I take no action, resulting in the question, which I have grown to abhor,what if I had just tried?.  Too many questions, too many answers, so much fear,for what if I screw up again. I know in my past that I have,by not taking action when,opportunity presented itself. Life, can be so scary, but the reward for facing that fear, can result in a joy, unmatched by any felt.
        I have to place myself back in the real world, simply to grasp the green grass, and black soil of mother earth,this spinning in my mind, the weakness of my physical self, I have to regain control. I soar, and fear the speed ,and heights, I reach, for the fall is so far...............down, that i could bury myself ,with no way to escape.
        A moment, like the blossoming of a flower, on a short movie,where you keep playing it over to ensure nothing is missed,the smile,the look,playing over and over,while you defensively try to ensure it is all in your mind. while as you watch it unfold,you can not deny the wonder of its blossoming, its affect upon your being. You are lost in its power.

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