Saturday, November 30, 2013


         Its saturday two days after thanksgiving, a quiet day in comparison to the days before. I played a lot of combat arms,slept late, visited my mother, talked to my carol, my first wife about marino and generally did nothing else. I did some thinking ,hehe, but more on that later or some other time.
         Thanksgiving was nice, frantic as usual, but a really good time. donna was cooking all night the night before,cooking a ham, turkey, and stuffing, all tasty with her special touch, she is a feeler not a measurer so its always a little different, always good.pies of every variety, apple,mixed berry, cherry, i cant even think of all of them.since christine was working, rocky had to do the cooking there, deep frying a turkey, and of course there was green bean casserole,corn , cornbread ,vegetables of all types,yams golden brown, topped with marshmallows,all in all a succulent meal not only for the belly but for your eyes.NOW IF ONLY THEY WOULD START HAVING COFFEE, CRAZY, BUT NO COFFEE.hehehehe. express lane is just around the corner though. we got there early, so donna could help rocky out, about 2 pm, and everyone was there around 4 for dinner. ohyeah, this year we brought my mother with us, usually she does thanksgiving with the church but came with us this year,which was enjoyable.
         i dont know why but lately i have become increasingly concerned with her, like she has always been self dependant and all that, but she seems a little frailer, and unnaturally for me find myself concerned about her, not just her health, but i am more worried about her being lonely. that sucks no matter your age.
         a splendid time it was, i did feel more a part of,not reflecting so much on the past when all would come to our house, donna , does not mind cooking but i feel she is burnt out on the big hurrah of yesteryear, and me well i guess i have accepted the fact my input does not carry the weight it used to. donna bought a table for the children to sit at, it used to be used in grammar school , so it was just the right height for them,with the younger ones loving the chairs and the idea they rated their own table,hehehe. donna sat with the kids and they were all content, with grandma being there, attending to them.the rest of us,the adults sprawled through out the living room and the office foyer outside the kitchen. everyone content, good conversation through out, accompanied by, the social media of i pads, computers, and cell phones, did we ever survive without them in the past,hehehe.
         michele and christene got into a little tiff over who could climb the rope on rockys treehouse, which turned into a contest between all the girls,including linda. it was a spectacle in itself,first they were going to wear shoes then changed their minds, going barefoot which had already been suggested but they nayed, until seeing the children doing it that way,hehehe. then they wanted a stop watch used , in case it was close,and they were insistent on it, media does have its place ,because it was hilarious watching all the girls trying to figure out the best way to shimmy up the rope and their efforts were recorded for all to enjoy in the future....michele, complaining about her not having enough upper body strength, christene vehemently insisting she would win and linda scampering up the knots with her toes as if she did it every day,hehehe. it was a lot of fun and will be a memory of this thanksgiving. oh afterwards, they did time the videos to see who won, but i am sure there will be arguments over this,hehehe.
        the pleasant surprise of the evening for me was lindas interaction , usually she seems a little distant, but on this day she was flitting from one to another, with the social grace i had always envisioned her of, even includinG me, which was shocking to me as i have felt she wanted as much distance as possible between us. i am just a messed up individual, and it was nice relaxing afterwards even though i think too much for my own good .
         well not really relaxing donna wanted to go shopping so we did the wal mart black friday shuffle and also hit big lots, i was tired but it was a good tired,and i have no with love to all and the appreciation of those who made my day so good thankyou,love you ,marino

Friday, November 29, 2013

Old, young, why not just accept me for me.

  lordy,lordy,guess there is  a first time for everything,hehe, i am trying to do some work on my blog while watching the three little ones,stormy is 12 so she basically takes care of herself, as long as she has her phone,hehe. Rocky is playing c.o. d., which makes me jealous as i would like to be on comat arms, but for some reason their computer wont run it properly. It comes on but the lag is unbelievable,the youngest one she just roams from person to person entertaining herself ,Madison her sister is content as long as you give her attention on demand, in between watching t.v..
     got here around 9 am and it has been a pretty good time, they are repainting little rockys room, so i took out a door frame to put in wall board to replace the door, then me and the girls covered the dimples and nail holes in the rest of the room, with joint compound. messy but fun, rocky was on the computer,watching mine craft videos, and stormy social networking on her phone. now  i am just waiting for the joint compound to dry and retouch it.
     Stormy, made us sandwiches, edible but hilarious, then me and the 2 younger girls went to my van so i could smoke, and while there the girls decided to clean up the van some which was a good idea,procrastinator that i am , knew it needed doing but kept putting it off. so now at least the dash is clean thanks to them.
     Yes,been dying without coffee, just went to express lane grabbed a cup of coffee, and got the little ones some sour is getting cold out, i hate the cold weather, but guess i will have to deal with it. it is also not easy to type without my smokes but anything is possible, so coping in best possible fashion possible, thinking of having a smoke, typing listenng to the children, ensuring all is good and staying busy,hehe. so now that i have said all this, going to brave the cold and have a smoke,hehehe,brb.
    reminder, when i get back inside this blog is to deal with issue of young and old, in game and life.
Yikes it is the day after thanksgiving and i am just now getting back,oh well, good thing i saved the draft,hehe.
     Young and old ,I am amazed by the number of times i have shocked people when they are told my age. Whether it is in game, where they swear i sound and act like someone in their twenties, or in real life when they are surprised because they find my energy, and the way i interact with others, indicative of someone of younger years,and it does not hurt that i do have a semi youthful appearance. I have been told by others that they are grateful to have met me, simply because i have shown them that life does not stop at my age and that they will treasure my memory in future years, simply because they now believe there is life when you get older.Funny isnt it, well to me anyway. However it has brought me sadness, when i think of those who judge me just on the appearance, of being a member of the older generation. People, cast you into a generic pool , without even making the attempt to discover who you are. Men, assume you know all the answers, when if you have read my blog, know I am searching for answers myself. More experiences I have had then some but not all and many have suffered more, learning more about lifes more unpleasant side. Women, tend to put you in the, he is too old , not taking the time to discover who I am . Now here I will state that women of foreign origin seem not to be as rigid in this way of thinking, more likely to engage a person in conversation and  not hold prejudice due to a mans age. As a society, we are often surprised by the relationships, of the winter,spring type,however in other countries, they are often looked at little prejudice. The funny thing is I enjoy life as much, maybe more then when i was young, appreciating those things that bring me joy, instead of simply accepting them as my due.  This is really an issue for philosophy, and I quite simply  wanted to say something as it has affected me, in some ways. Dancing, I will admit , sometimes i watch the younger ones kinda poke fun at an older persons method of dancing, instead of respecting the fact it may have been an act of courage to subject themselves to the pettiness of youthful ire. I do know life ,the act of being oneself,when leaving yourself open, to the maybe not even intentional, witticisms and mannerisms of a younger age group, is not always easy. I , myself worry about the effect their attitude will have on me, and yet I  do applaud myself for not allowing them to stop me from being myself. Yes, it takes me awhile to work up the courage, get lost in the moment, but I do love me and have denied myself enough things in life, that I will attempt not to lose myself in the progress, label me as i am, but respect me for refusing to be other then I am , for itys cost has been expensive and  I am still not done paying, but thats alright, I smile and all is good,love ya ,marino.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

another catch up, when will i learn,hehehe

           A week after i wrote my last post i fully intended to write another about the lack of sex in my life for the last 3 or 4 years. The admission of such ,especially with me being married and living with my wife, tended to make me feel less then, a man, and as if i was some how a failure.That has not changed but if it affects me that much, i felt, though it has taken awhile, it must be said or the denial would should more of a weakness that would also inhibit me from writing my blog, in order not to confront it.Being honest here is not always easy, nor should it be, or this would all be a lie.Hell of a thing to lie to yourself, even if it is in the future, and easier i guess.Sorry, had to make some coffee, do the dishes and turn on the music, OH YEAH SWEET,now my world is all good. I guess i am easily satisfied,hehehe.Back to the subject, maybe what scares me, is it may be my future,i could not have envisioned in my past, a time when i would have accepted or been able to live without the physical attention of another.Not just the physical but also the emotional aspect of loves intimacy. I am all for sex even or especially with someone you love,but there is also even during a fierce bout of activity a look,a soft kiss that conveys the love within, or just the snuggle up afterwards when all is well with the world. I can not say it is all the wifes fault, she is not happy about her appearance,which i have tried to show her is fine with me. I, even though shy, have had advances, hehehee, which I nullified by various ways. My wife even offered to fool around one night after she had had a few drinks for the first time in awhile, now it was only due to her being buzzed, and maybe I was wrong but I told her I would rather wait till she was not quite so buzzed, at least the first time, at which point she passed out.Hehehehe. With other women i have no idea if it is the fear of my dick being too small,hehehe, getting a disease or worst of all falling for her, mistaking sexual happiness for emotional happiness. The intimacy, the emotion, the love shared that is what i miss, what i hunger for that feeling where i look in those eyes, feel her arms,the weight ,her enfolding me and escape from whatever is wrong.Masterbation , serves its purpose,and even if done with another, hehehe, to me is just that.Maybe thats why i do not think it is wrong for a person to be sexual with  another even if in a relationship, but would go to war over someone trying to hold my girls hand. I guess i am just lonely, and when the world , especially yours is disintegrating, or changing it would be nice to have the comfort of your lover in a physical form.I guess thats it, for now, be glad i hate this typing stuff, hehehe, there is so much more i actually have to say about this. But, I apologize , have to put this in for it is going to be brief, the thought is large though.Would i feel as if i was cheating on someone?  Now this is complicated,in some ways, but also simple,so without saying too much, it goes like this,what if i dont because with anyone else it would be a betrayal of  someone. That has been quite simply the case, ,maybe stupid, maybe for all the wrong reasons,but a fact. Of which this would be incomplete in its whole without the mention of. Now I can move on,hehehe, funny how those things of greatest magnitude are the ones that sneak up and slap us in the face,hehehe.
          Time to take the backwards, ugh I hate this, first I have no mind, second i cant remember shit so it is a little more difficult for me then others.
           West Coast Killers, Greatfulded asked again about me joining the clan and this time we worked all the kinks out, ensuring the right e-mail addresses and such were done. We finished all the essentials yesterday and I received notice I would be a member starting today. Humor, is in the fact, a member of X Conz, a clan formed after my original clan dissolved , yesterday asked if I would join them,hahaha. It was a remember when for me, sad in that as i explained to him, for me there would be to much emotional cause and effect, in addition there could be no replacing my former clan. So here is a new beginning for me, in my gaming community.
         Things are a little tense around the house due to a couple we have allowed to stay with us. Originally, it was supposed to be for a couple of days , they have now overstayed their welcome , and unfortunately i had to put my foot down. They have been staying with us for over a month and had been making no effort to better their situation. Saving no money for a place of their own ,failing to contribute to the bills , eating everything ,and showing no social skills what so ever.The wife had been trying to help them and after observing their behavior, I wanted to say something, but she told me to give them a chance, finally they got to the point where even she got frustrated, and I stepped in , now they will be out tomorrow, we did give them  until he gets paid tomorrow so i dont feel guilty about it. Giving someone a hand up, I have no problem with been there,needed that, but to take advantage, and not improve a bad state, lo piss me off. So that will be an improvement in our state also.
        Work, well it has been up and down,same ole, same ole. Got all the bills paid with the exception of  the car insurance, which will be paid next week,hehehe.My biggest problem being  I cant seem to pick up steady work, but it does come in in bits and pieces. Nerve wracking to say the least,hehe. On a brighter note the wife got a job, she will be starting next Monday, and it even has health benefits, for the both of us. The dental is what i cant wait for,hehe. I dont deny there is a feeling of guilt in me, she never had to work before, and honestly, we could probably get by on what i do obtain for work, the reality is its better for us in the long run, myself included. I had just pulled a machine out of the shop took a couple of months, ran it for a couple hours, wham bam, down it goes right in the middle of a job that i was doing for the first time. Back in the shop it goes, how much this time I have no idea, and on top of that the propane buffer i spent 500.00 fixing died and there is no repairing it .Maybe someone is trying to tell me something and i just wont listen, hehehe.
      Dance, hehehe, how can we not talk about it. First I missed the Halloween party at La Vela, as they did it the week before. I had planned to go, even telling Donna that though it cost 10 for admission i was going to both Spinnakers and  La Vela, as i dont spend much on myself, ensuring that Donna gets to go to bingo everyday. It would have been the first time to dance at La velas this year due to finances and not buying a vip pass there this year, ahhh, woe is me. Spinnakers was simply awesome, the people in costume great and the atmosphere was fun. I had a great night the band was superb, finally a good band, and dont you know my leg gave me problems, but still a wonderful night for my memories.
      My physical shape? I feel fat!!! And i am hating it , my leg has been giving me problems, when i dance, my six pack is almost none existent, my chest almost no definition and arms, well they look skinny. I have no choice but to start working out, not so much for muscle, love of the dance. I find myself getting winded too easy,and where i am usually attuned like a spring feel a little listless now.This worries the hell out of me for there is so much joy and passion in it for me.The only problem is the wife is dead set against it, funny huh, but it is one of the few things that i am going to be adamant about. I hate the idea myself, but for love of the dance i am willing to endure it.
      Dr. Gooding, I was paying a bill at the cable company, a few weeks ago and this lady says hi Marino. I turn to say hello, it must have shown on my face I did not recognize her, as she introduced herself as Theresa, Dr. Goodings wife. She asked why I had not been to see Dr. Gooding, who is currently in a rest home. Being myself, I told her that from her attitude toward me previously, i had been afraid she would have me arrested or something. At ant rate we had a nice conversation, shed some tears over the misunderstanding, yes in the middle of the office, and got everything straightened out.Sometimes life does wonderful things. I had been trying to figure which bill to pay and for some reason decided to pay the cable, fate maybe. Dr, Gooding had hired me to do his floor at home and we had gotten to know each other fairly well, and there had been times when faced with a situation or problem, he would be the one I would go to. A father figure, similar to Ron Brown, Brownie as everyone called him. He was a well respected member of the medical field,especially in his field, which was anesthesiology, not only in the civilian world but also the Marines. He also helped found a school of anesthesiology, which was named after him. Since our reconciliation, I have been to visit him , at least every other week. Which for me, is kinda remarkable, but so is he, unfortunately he suffers from dementia, a disease that attacks your mind, and its ability to remember things. I have learned a lot from this situation, they had planned to retire, travel and enjoy life, and everything flipped on them. He had been one of those who liked to stay in shape, was fiercely independet, and helped those he believed in. Now he is taken care of , their finances are no longer lucrative and his wife, resides in a constant state of anxiety. I have decide to try and do my best to help them, this man who fate put in my life, deserves that. I do not know what I can do but started by visiting Rep. Patronis, to see if i could get some help in setting up a non profit thing or something. At any rate, I may not have any idea on what to do but be damned if I am not going to try. I wonder if this is in someway connected with the death of my father, who i loved unconditionally, but still feel as if I could have shown more, there is no doubt, that he knew and felt my love for him, but maybe I do not feel as if i did not do enough for him. I think of him , my father alot, sometimes feeling closer to him in death, then in real world, talking to him in spirit. I believe that if more people knew of Dr. Goodings finances they would be more then willing to help, it is just that most people assumed they were financially solvent, insurance covered it or the veterans affairs, the reality is it costs thousands of dollars every month, that they are running out of finances, and i want to do something. Even though I am broke I can still attempt to do something, for if not, i would have difficulty in living with myself.
      My son, Mike is doing well for himself, bragging on saving money and the fact that he is doing so legally,hehehe. Proud of that, we dont talk much but we are there for each other when needed, what more can you ask for. Marino should be getting out soon, sometime next year, that will be an interesting time, and i am sure it will be full of ups and downs.With mike moving up north, it looks as if Marino will be staying with me, an interesting situation to be sure. I believe I got most of what has been going on and there is always tomorrow if not, for it is time to be gaming, love always ,Marino.