Saturday, April 2, 2016

the death of spring break in panama city beach

       Waaaaaaaaaaaah, spring break died. I witnessed the death of one of my favorite times of the year,last week. First, Spinaker beach club, laid off 80 or more people,and closed on the weekend with 2 weeks left,La Vela ,last w/e was dead and when I called to see who was playing band wise, this week, no answer for no band even in rock arena.It was a truly sad, sad, day, with the kicker being,this w/e I saw more people at walmart, there was even stop and go traffic for the first time all spring break and it looked as if parking lots at hotels and such were finally filling up. Cant believe I am home tonight but after seeing the empty parking lot at La vela and rope across spinnaker lot, I guess that killed my spirit,to a certain degree.The only thing I kept thinking was if they had only stayed open one or two more weeks, they could have recouped some of their losses.I am not even going to get into my thoughts about,the cost of new policies here, with the exception that i thought it was humorous when I read p.c.b. stated they hoped to make up revenues in coming months, what about the people who either could not get a job,due to low bed count, the people who got laid off, the economic disruption and the affect on our populous who have depende on spring breaks revenue. I guess that it is ok,to the big bussiness of bay county and panama city beach,that these people could not generate enough income to pay their bills, got evicted,or could not feed their families. Oh and lets not forget that during this period of new rules that were supposed to help bring more order,they made more felony arrests then last year, if that does not make a statement, what will.
       Pepsi Spring Jam is next weekend, hopefully I will be going, it is like 80 bucks for a 3 day pass, which i am sure will be worth it. It is kinda funny to me, I really dont care that much for country music, with the exception of Natalie Stovall, but what the hell it should be a good time and there has to be somebody that will make me want to dance,hehe.Bettter than sitting around doing nada. So hopefully there will be some videos and a good story to tell.
        Depressing myself, sooooooo, I watched E.T. today,first time since it first came out, what a wonderous trip into the past, I laughed and at the end I cried, it has always been the movie in my opinion that made the human race more open to the possibilty of intervention,between us and an alien species.What a good time,and e.t. simply adorable, loved the way his neck stretched and how it stayed down most of the time he was around the kids to keep from frightening them.
        I got a nice surprise when I went to work on thursday,they found a buffer when doing some cleaning at the Piggly Wiggly Express, where i do the floors, and the owner gave the buffer to me for free, knowing I could not afford to buy it,hehe.Works good too,loving it and his kindness.
         Welllll, I guess that all for now,lot of things I want to talk about but want to be in a better mood hehe,until laterrrr.

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